Table of Contents

GBX9MO23 - Information Access and Retrieval

February 1st, 2021, 9-11am examination

2020-2021 subject: gbx9mo23-2020-2021-exam-tmpkxtz.pdf

Available from Master 2 MOSIG and MSIAM. Course Description

This course is given by Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Philippe Mulhem, Lorraine Goeuriot and Georges Quénot from the Multimedia Information Modeling and Retrieval (MRIM) research group of the Grenoble Informatics Laboratory (LIG).


Contents / schedule:

Part I. Foundations of Information Retrieval (Jean-Pierre Chevallet and Philippe Mulhem)

Part II: Web, social networks and health (Philippe Mulhem, Lorraine Goeuriot)

Part III: Multimedia indexing and retrieval (Georges Quénot)

8-o Video recodings

You can find the videos of courses 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 on INP Chamillo, under ENSIMAG WMM9MO23 Information access and retrieval/Documents.
You can get the videos of courses 11 and 12 from the MRIM server at:
The other courses were not recorded.

Reference to IR books or papers

First session examination

The examination will be on February 1st, 2021 from 9 to 11am.

Course materials, the two papers related to the examinations, personal notes, and calculators (without network capabilities) are allowed.

You will have to answer questions on topics that occur in the lessons. You are expected to do a research work on the two papers proposed below, in a way to understand them and to be able to comment then. You must also take time to read complementary information in order to understand the papers. Be sure to bring with you a copy of the two research papers as they will NOT be redistributed with the examination subject. These can be annotated by you. The bibliography and appendices, if any, are part of the papers.

Previous years examinations

2017-2018 examination: gbx9mo23-2017-2018-exam.pdf, papers:,,

2018-2019 examination: gbx9mo23-2018-2019-exam.pdf, papers:,

2019-2020 examination: gbx9mo23-2019-2020-exam.pdf, papers:

Second session examination

The second session examination will take place on April 16, from 8am to 10am. It will be an oral examination and it will he held remotely via zoom with these links:

You will individually receive an email with the exact time at which you should reach these rooms. You will have 15 minutes with Georges Quénot and 15 minutes with Jean-Pierre Chevallet. There is no new paper to study for this session. Questions and/or exercises will be related to the papers selected for session 1 (above) with some related to the course in relation with the papers.