GBX9MO23 - Information Access and Retrieval - 2018-2019

Available from Master 2 MOSIG and MSIAM. Course Description

This course is given by Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Philippe Mulhem, Lorraine Goeuriot and Georges Quénot from the Multimedia Information Modeling and Retrieval (MRIM) research group of the Grenoble Informatics Laboratory (LIG).


Part I. Foundations of Information Retrieval (Jean-Pierre Chevallet)

Part II: Web, social networks and health (Philippe Mulhem, Lorraine Goeuriot)

Part III: Multimedia indexing and retrieval (Georges Quénot)

Reference to IR books or papers

First session examination

The examination will be on January 28, 2019 from 1 to 3pm in ENSIMAG C005. Warning: the time has been advanced and the room has changed (see ADE). Course materials, the two papers related to the examinations, personal notes, and calculators (without network capabilities) are allowed. You will have to answer questions on topics that occur in the lessons. You are expected to do a research work on the two papers proposed below, in a way to understand them and to be able to comment then. You must also take time to read complementary informations in order to understand the papers. The first topic is related to IR text data structure and models. The second one is related to building good representation for content-based image retrieval. Be sure to bring with you a copy of the two research papers as they will NOT be redistributed with the examination subject. These can be annotated by you. The bibliography and appendices are part of the papers.

The papers to read are:

Note: for the second paper, the part on automatic data cleaning is not concerned, there will not be questions on this.

Last year examination: gbx9mo23-2017-2018-exam.pdf

Second session examination

The second session examination will take place on April 16, from 9am to 11am in rooms D208 and D211 (ENSIMAG building).
It will be an oral examination of 30 minutes in total, 15 minutes with Georges Quénot (D208) and 15 minutes with Jean-Pierre Chevallet (D211).
There is no new papers to study for this sessions. There will be short exercises and questions on the course and maybe some on the papers studied for session 1 examination.

2018-2019_page.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/19 07:32 by quenot
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